Research shows that a marriage preparation course and involvement in the occasional marriage enrichment program results in significantly fewer divorces and greatly increased satisfaction in the marriage relationship. As a result of this research data, our marriage policy, and our belief that marriage is a sacred covenant, Sydney Pentecostal Church offers an annual marriage preparation and enrichment course.

This course consists of 7 one and one half hour sessions. These sessions cover subjects such as: communication, conflict resolution, finances, spirituality, intimacy, and personality discovery. There is always time for socializing, discussion, and snacks. Often, life-long friendships develop between couples attending these sessions. This course is required of those who wish one of Sydney Pentecostal Church’s staff members to officiate the wedding. Sydney Pentecostal Church recommends that every couple attend these sessions at least once a decade. Why not join us for our next course.

We look forward to seeing you there. No, you do not need to be a member, regular attender, nor must you join Sydney Pentecostal Church to attend these sessions.