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    Be inspired by biblical teaching fromRev. Dr. Harlyn Purdy,Lead Pastor

    Our Mission

    Our mission is simple: to love God and to love others.


    Thank You for Your Donations. We Couldn't Do It without You

    thank you

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    Join Us

    Your involvement can bring peace to conflict & hope to the hopeless.
    Let's connect
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    Be a Part of Our International Student Ministry

    Together, it is possible. We can, and are, making a difference.
    Join with Us

    Upcoming Events

    Service Time

    Sunday Morning Opening Prayer

    Sunday Morning Service

    Sunday Evening

    10:20 am

    10:30 am

    6:00 pm

    Tuesday Evening Bible Study (On Hold for the Summer)

    We are studying the Book Acts

    Wednesday Afternoon Prayer

    6:30 pm


    12:00 – 1:00 pm

    WM Conference - Blessed and Beautiful

    This was a blessed time as the women met together. Please go to our YouTube page to view the video’s

    Special Events



    Upcoming Sunday Events

    2024 Theme: To Know Christ and the Power of His Reresection

    Please join us for these special Sunday morning messages.

    You can Watch Past Sermons on our

    YouTube channel:  @SydneyPentecostalChurch8896

    The Pastor’s Minute

    God is Good and has touched us powerfully this year. There has been significant growth, and I can see a hunger for God building in the people around me.
    The Father is not looking for perfect people He is just looking for people who are hungry for Him and who will take the time to seek after Him with their whole hearts.
    From Matthew 7:7-8 we learn that we are to Ask, Seek, and Knock to find Him.
    7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (NIV)
    Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you today and He will never turn you away. God is perfect Love, and perfect Love wants to have a relationship with you. If being part of this kind of relationship interests you, I want to invite you to join us for a time of fellowship with the God of Love as we meet each Sunday. No, we are not perfect people, but the God we serve is.