
That ours is a broken world is obvious. A broken world consists of broken people. Behind the face, we present to the world is a soul and spirit that is in pain due to the injuries life has brought. The causes of our pain are numerous. Sydney Pentecostal Church believes God has called us to engage in helping to mend the brokenness of the world and individuals around us. Consequently, we are looking for people who believe the brokenness can be mended and healed.
Are you that someone?

Our Ministries

Ministries We Support


“Our Church is open to everyone, young and adults, children and elderly people, that can participate in charity programs and events”

Dylan Jones

“Explore the world of faith, trust and friendship. Come to our church and meet people who will help you become a better version of you”

Jennifer Smith

“We come together for a greater cause and life celebration, love sharing and reading the holy book. He is the Greatest, Amen…”

George Lee